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Program from SD Math & Science Convention (member of SDSTA & NSTA) Science Teacher meetings Committee for single sex classrooms Reflection of Goals
I am excited
to receive my graduate degree, but at the same time, my classes have
reinforced the fact that education is continually changing. I plan to
continue to stay updated in educational classes as well as in my major area
of study. To be committed to education is an ongoing process, we need
to meet with other educators, reflect on our processes and continue to learn something new everyday.
My first artifact is a program from the SD Math and Science Convention. I am a member of the South Dakota Science Teachers Association and the National Science Teachers association. It is very important to be a member of my professional organization. By being a part of this association, I remain updated in the area of science through e-mails and newsletters. I attend this convention every year because I feel it is important to see what others are doing in their classrooms. I always bring home new ideas and use them in my own classroom. One of my favorite sessions from this years convention was titled "Doc's Mater Plan-Chemistry". From this session, I learned new ways of teaching my students electron configurations. A few years ago I presented some of my own ideas and it is one of my goals to be a presenter at the convention again in the near future. By attending this convention I have the opportunity visit with other science teachers and get their opinions on new scientific technology and software. Coming from a small school, I am basically the only science teacher in the building, so it is especially important for me to collaborate with science teachers from other schools. I have built some great professional relationships through this convention. Another way I have grown in my profession is through meeting with other science teachers who are currently using tablet computers in their classroom. With the student laptops being a new idea in education, it has been very beneficial to talk to other educators in the same position as myself. Reflection over the past year has been an integral part of the lap top initiative. We have been asked about the positive aspects as well as the negative aspects, and how some of the negative points can be eliminated in the future. Meetings with other science teachers gives me an opportunity to share my ideas, and incorporate new ideas into my curriculum. My third artifact is an overview of a new committee that I am going to be a part of at Chester Area School. This new committee is going to look at dividing our junior high students into separate sex classrooms for a couple of periods each day. We hope that by dividing them into separate classrooms, they will not be as self conscious about answering questions or discussing ideas in class. I have researched the learning styles of boys and girls, so I hope to be able to assist the committee in their decision. It is important to me to be an active part of some of the changes that are constantly going on in a school system. My final artifact is a reflection of the goals that I set for myself in my Educational Assessment class. This artifact shows that I feel it is important to set goals, and then to revisit them and reflect upon them. I have goals everyday, and at the end of the day, I try to determine if those goals have been met. If they were not met, I make adjustments and strive toward reaching them the next day. Self reflection and self assessment are a difficult but important part of becoming a successful teacher. The more positive side of self reflection is to make notes when something went exceptionally well, so you can try to duplicate it the next time. These artifacts show that I am involved with my profession and reinforce the fact that I feel continued education, collaboration, and reflection are all important aspects of being a successful teacher. |