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Physical Science Curriculum Map 5 Models Strategy Toolbox
The curricular process is continually changing. I am constantly looking at ways to improve my own curriculum and also help my students meet the objectives that have been set. I think it is important to have some continuity among sequential classes. Looking at what has been taught to my students the previous year or two gives me a better understanding of what they should be familiar with. Once I have a starting point, and can adjust my curriculum to make sure my students are meeting the standards that are set for my classes. It is my responsibility as a teacher to provide each of my students with the strategies and techniques that work for them. I will continue to update my curriculum and look for new strategies in the future. Throughout the past 2 years, I have been involved with Curriculum Mapping at Chester Area School. This project has definitely shown involvement in the curricular process. For each subject area that we teach, we have been asked to organize our objectives into an easy to use template which shows when and how we meet each objective. This is an extensive project that I will continue to complete throughout the next couple of years. This project helps us understand where we have a strong overlap in our curriculum and where we are inadvertently missing objectives. This is an important process and when it is complete, my curriculum will be much more aligned with the state standards. Again, these Curriculum Maps will change each year, they are just a guideline to help us make sure we are meeting the requirements of our school and our state. I chose my Five Models project and my Strategy toolbox as my next two artifacts. As we look at the curricular process, I think it is very important to involve specific strategies for specific topics in my curriculum. At Chester Area School, we have an optional summer program called "Curriculum Development Program" (CDP). Since this program started, I have participated every year. I feel this is an important program, and it is necessary to reflect on my past experiences and try to make improvements where I can. I also plan to participate in CDP this summer. Through this program, I will incorporate the proper strategy that fits with the specific topic being studied. Artifacts 2 and 3 show that I have researched many different strategies in my graduate classes, but in order to use them appropriately, I need to take a look at when and where each strategy fits into my curriculum. My goal is to use a different strategy in each chapter of my Physical Science class next year. Some strategies will be used more than once, but I hope to use at least one new learning strategy for each chapter. By using the proper strategies at the opportune time, I believe my curriculum will be enhanced. Curriculum mapping and Curriculum Development Program are 2 projects that provide evidence that I have met Goal 3 and that I intend to continue to be involved in the curricular process. |